New Year

Another year!

According to Goodreads, I managed to read 60 books.

According to Ravelry, I managed to complete 3 (big) knitting projects.

According to Quickbooks, I made $2,919 in freelance writing.

My kid is alive and thriving and my relationships with both kid and spouse are doing well.

Looking at that data feels good; it’s nice to feel like I had some wins in 2021.

For 2022 I have some goals/foci:

  • 78 books
  • 5 knit/crochet projects
  • $6,000 earned from freelancing
  • Continue to nurture relationships
  • Word of the Year: Approach

(A random generator fed me the word for the year. I like it – feels positive.)

I have no master plans or big picture goals for this coming year. I’ve been using goals as a distraction the last few years so I’m trying to shift my focus to enjoying and appreciating my current life, situation, accomplishments, etc.


