An adventure to solve a common problem…
a 3-4 hour single-session adventure for teaching D+D to new players
Remember being a new player and getting overwhelmed with information when you tried to learn to play D+D?

A Strong Start! focuses on the basics.
I spent lots of nights and weekends re-tooling the basic 5e adventure formula, with many notes in the margins, to create a text that walks a GM step by step through players’ first adventure. As I was wrapping up the first draft, Kickstarter announced their fourth annual ZineQuest and my fun weekend pastime became a goal of a printed adventure.
A Strong Start! makes learning 5e fun.
The adventure will look familiar to seasoned players, but that’s not who it’s built for. A Strong Start! is a stripped-down adventure with *just* enough mechanics to learn the game, and plenty of time and opportunity for players to both learn and practice. In that order. (Not at the same time.)

The end goal (for me) was a full-color, professionally printed ‘zine booklet complete with custom artwork and plenty of beefy supplemental material.
The end result – for you! – is a robust adventure built with the specific intention of keeping potential players excited about the game beyond their first session.